Saturday, 17 May 2014

On a Tangent

Following my recent diversion into the world of towelling, my memory was jogged about a trip I made to the Percy Grainger museum in Melbourne - all will eventually become clear on that connection, for those who don't immediately see the link. Anyway, I was going to do a post about that weird and wonderful place - indeed, I think I might start a whole series of posts on mad museums.

In the interim though, the Australian federal government brought down its budget and a lot of people have been complaining about various measures that are contained within it.

One measure that was canvassed on last night's television current affairs programme was the intention to restrict unemployment payments to those under thirty years of age, increasing the requirement for that sector of the population to either accept work or enrol in education. In the interests of greater understanding of the issues involved, I thought others might like to hear the views of this representative of the demographic:


  1. Please tell me those aren't tattoos around her eyes.

    It amuses me how people who make themselves unemployable by having spiders webs tattooed on their faces seem surprised when they can't find a job.

    1. Blimey, it hadn't even occurred to me that they were permanent.

  2. That was an insightful comment - I wonder why she hasn't got a job? Beats me! What's that I heard about entitlement? Seriously though, as with anything, there are those who will suffer - "help" is so hard to provide in a granular targeted way.

    1. I suppose there are times when help may not be helpful, if that makes sense.
