Saturday 25 May 2024

Odd and Unusual Things - an Occasional Series

In the odd way of the Internet, a video clip floated onto my telephone screen the other day. It showed two men, an interviewer I didn't recognise and a man who after a bit of effort I did recognise: it was Bruce Springsteen. I don't know if the clip is recent but Springsteen looked very trim and healthy for someone who I imagine may be in his seventies.

Anyway, the interviewer asked Springsteen what song he would choose if he could only listen to one single solitary song for the rest of his life.

"Just one?" Springsteen asked and then, having received an affirmative, he thought for a bit. To my surprise, given he's a slightly bellowing kind of singer, he chose Frank Sinatra, singing a song I'd never heard of.  I looked it up. 

Here it is, in case you'd like to know what Springsteen would listen to forever if he could only choose one song:

It is rather lovely and probably as good as an answer to an impossible question as any.  

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