Sunday, 27 February 2011

The End of the World is Nigh

Having already noted the emergence of dog related decadence, I was horrified to see these in the weekend paper:

For some time now, Brit, over at Think of England, has been a lone voice raised against the dangers of cup cakes, but even his direst predictions did not include this.


  1. Is nothing scared? Must Man's Best Friend be reduce to a cupcake carrier now?

  2. Cupcakes have gone to the dogs. Macaroons are the new fashionable cakey comestible. Apparently.

  3. A dozen years ago we went on a trip to San Francisco. Not far from where we stayed in "Japantown" was a wonderful bakery, the proprietor a French immigrant. While lining up to get our croissants, we couldn't but notice the pictures of dogs held up next to bone-shaped cakes, regular cakes, and so on. The proprietor, when asked, shrugged and said more or less, Well, people have dogs and treat them like kids.

  4. The scourge of the cupcake should not be underestimated, for in the cupcake we see much that is wrong with this modern world

    1) rampant capitalism
    2) rampant infantilisation

    Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells

  5. Madame - can you imagine how a dog's cup cake must smell?
    Gaw - you are so cutting edge
    George - they are rather quicker to obtain and you don't get social services on your back if you leave them out in the back garden overnight
    Worm - you are absolutely right, Disgusted, on every single count
