Thursday, 12 August 2010

A Glimpse of Reality

I managed to lose my fountain pen last week. Yesterday, I went to buy a new one. I was served by a nice young man who spent quite a lot of time with me, letting me try different nib widths and so forth. I thought we were getting along famously until he asked if I'd be wanting green ink with my purchase. A green ink user? How appalling to discover that that's how I come across.


  1. I wonder are there any green ink blogs? (I mean literally and figuratively; there are obviously lots which are just the latter).

  2. If I had the faintest idea how to do it, I might go green. I've mastered links to other articles but that is about it. Last night I tried to upload a picture but failed and so I remain in awe of all you blog redesigners. Let me know if you work out a way to change font colour that doesn't challenge the extremely dim.

  3. That's too funny! What is a green ink user anyhow? (Must admit though that green is my favourite colour and I did once buy green ink for a fountain pen for fun but that was yonks ago!)

  4. Whispering - green ink is the colour of ink most commonly used for seriously batty letters to the editor, allegedly

  5. I find that it's when ink turns purple that one needs to worry. Happens to me all the time

  6. Worm - under what circumstances? You might be able to patent that, although not quite sure what your market would be.

  7. I could sell my patent purple prose-creating ink to people attempting to win the Orange prize, or teenagers.

  8. I use green ink....

  9. Worm - of course, brilliant.
    Nurse - so it was you who sent this batty anonymous letter to my brother:
    (I thought it was, but don't worry, I told him it was me)
