Sunday 6 March 2011

Sticking with the Day Job

I did explain the other day that I'm not very good at taking pictures. Afterwards, I realised I'd produced nothing to prove my claim. Never mind - downloading pictures from my camera to my computer yesterday evening, I found this fine example of my oeuvre. I took it for a kangaroo-mad child I know in England. I think I can rest my case:


  1. You may scare child. Recommend not showing.
    - drng

  2. Don't worry - I shall buy her a nice Steve Parrish postcard instead

  3. haha... you do make me smile

  4. I think it's a very fresh and original approach - very Dada.

  5. Nurse, I couldn't believe it when it appeared on my screen. How on earth did I do that?
    Polly, your support is kind, if misguided.

  6. What's that saying? A picture is worth a thousand words? I wonder what words this picture is saying?

  7. Whispering, I think this picture is saying, at the very least, that I should put my glasses on when taking pictures.
    Chris, I may send you a print for Christmas - what you do with it then is your business
