Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Words and Phrases that Have Been Done to Death

Closely on the heels of 'the elephant in the room' comes this year's favourite: 'lipstick on a pig'. What is it about poor innocent animals and hideously over-used cliches? If every newspaper columnist and television reporter in the world made a New Year's resolution never to use either phrase again, it might be a good thing - or maybe they'd just come up with something involving a baboon instead.


  1. I must be very fortunate. I don't think I've heard that one before.

  2. I intend turning "An aardvark on a yoyo" into a media cliche.

  3. Lucky you, Nurse - except now that you have heard it, you will suddenly notice it everywhere.
    Kevin - I am going to work hard to make that a worldwide trend - and instead of 'the cat's pyjamas' I'm going to describe anything good as 'the elephant's bootlaces' from now on.

  4. It's the baboon's tiara, zedders.
