Monday 17 May 2021

Literary Meals - an Occasional Series: Burgess’s Recipe for Irish Stew

I came across Anthony Burgess’s recipe for Irish stew on, guess where? Yes, Twitter (that bearded loon who runs it really ought to pay me for all the positive publicity I give that silly application or platform or whatever you’re supposed to call it).

Anyway, it was irresistible, especially as it contains traces of Graham Greene. Here it is (personally I wouldn’t get too worked up about trimming all the fat off; instead cook it days in advance and then cool it - the fat will rise to the top and form a disk that can be removed and thrown away. I would also cook lots of green cabbage in the stew, thus eliminating the need to cook an additional dish of red cabbage as Burgess recommends. And ugh, eurgh, no to the oyster or kidney topping, unless you must live the full Burgess experience. And when he says season well, do go heavy on the black pepper):

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