Saturday 4 September 2021

I Went to the Theatre!

Is there anything more I need to say? Is this not a miracle after so many months in which theatres were out-of-bounds? Even I, eschewer of noisy punctuation, believe an exclamation mark is justified.

And how was it? It was grand, as they say in Ireland, where I have spent quite a bit of time lately (more of that anon). I admit that there is one good thing about having your rights taken away from you, being curtailed in your activities by government fiat - and that is getting them back. 

My word, you value things, once you've missed them for a bit. 

The play was Oleanna by David Mamet. The production I saw started its life in Bath and is now at the Arts Theatre in London. If you want to know more about it, I've written a post about it here. If you just want to know whether it's any good and worth going to, the two actors are magificent, the director has approached the text with great intelligence; in other words, I believe it is. 

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