Monday 1 February 2021

The Lost Art of Self Deprecation

 I was surprised the other day when I saw a little clip of film taken while Prince Charles and his first wife were making a visit to a music school during their first trip to Australia together:

When I shared the clip on Twitter, commenting that, if the then Princess of Wales was capable of carrying large chunks of Rachmaninov around in her head, her intelligence may have been underestimated, someone replied with the most charming story, a story that demonstrates that Diana was not only bright and quick and witty but also wonderfully self-deprecating. Here is the story:

“I’ve always loved the reported conversation between Diana and Fifi Trixiebelle Geldof, then about 3:

FTG: Your head is much bigger than it looks on telly.

Di: Oh don't worry, there's nothing in it.”

Sadly, self-deprecating is something that we are no longer encouraged to be.


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